Meine Coaching-Qualifikationen -Trainings, Workshops, Seminare:
Coaching Techniken:
Neuro Linguistic Programming - NLP : Transform life with NLP (udemy, Neuroscience Academy, 2022)
Ganzheitliches Life Coaching (udemy, Britta Remmel, 2021)
Erkenne deinen Seelenplan (udemy, Britta Remmel, 2021)
Coach werden: Lösungsorienteirtes Kurzzeitcoaching (udemy, Andreas Vögele, 2021)
​Selbstbewusstsein stärken:
Gaining Authentic Confidence Through Emotional Flexibility (McK, 2021)
Bounce Back (McK, 2021)
My Operating Model (McK, 2020)
​Search Inside Yourself (SIY Institute, McK, 2020)
Feedback State of Mind (McK, 2020)
Kommunikation, Konfliktmanagement & Teams:​
Conscious Inclusion: Creating psychological safety and everyday inclusion in teams (McK, 2021)
Art & Science of Giving Feedback (McK, 2021)​
Leading difficult conversions (McK, 2020)
Confidence in Communication (Coatrain, 2016)​​
ENNEAGRAM, Einzel- und Team Enneagram (McK, 2020, 2021)
MBTI - Myers Briggs Type Indicator (McK, 2003, 2005)
Gesundheit, Körper & Geist:
Easy Healthing - Achtsamkeitstechniken, Ernährung, Bewegung (Grace van der Merwe, 2020)
Living Your Best Life (Christine Kritzas, The LightHouse Arabia, 2020)
Your Performance Mindset (Potential Project, McK, 2020)
Personal Productivity (McK, 2020)
Reclaiming your Day: How Successful People Manage Collaborative Overload (McK, 2021)
Steering Clear of Burnout (Hintsa, 2020)
Mind Matters : Recovery as an actionable element of resilience (McK, 2020)
Mental Resilience - Emotional Flexibility: How to effectively manage stress and anxiety (McK, Dr. Jaquy Brassey, 2020)
Interviewer Learning Journey - Personal Experience Interview (PEI) module (McK, 2021)
​Anti-Bias in Recruiting Assessment (McK, 2021)
Initial Interviewer Training - PEI Interview Training (McK, 2020)